People often ask me about sleep problems and unfortunately there's not a lot I can say to help, as you can't really use the Alexander...
Joining the dots
Forty years ago I went for my first Alexander Technique lesson with Tessa Goldhawk in Penzance. My mother found an advert in the paper...

Staying up
About twenty years ago a gentleman walked into my practice in Bournemouth for a lesson. He was tall and elegant, walking with a certain...

Washing the dishes
Recently, after working my way through the recipes on my new favourite food blog , I realised something... How I hate washing dishes!...

Drop your arms!
Haha, my pupils occasionally imitate me saying this! It's one of the things I do nag people about. Arms weigh a fair amount and when you...

In 2009 UCL published some interesting research in the European Journal of Social Psychology on how people form habits : I find this...

Don't cross your legs!
Ok, so a lot of us do this I guess. Myself included. And it is a terrible habit, really! Have you ever considered how much one of your...
Tips for Hips
If you are in the habit of standing with one hip higher than the other, when there’s no medical reason for doing so, you should...