Christmas is coming
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat Please put a penny in the old man's hat If you haven't got a penny, a ha'penny will do If...
My teacher John once asked Walter Carrington (the man who took over the training of Alexander Technique teachers at Holland Park, when FM...
Brrrrr there's a chill wind and we put the heating on last night for the first time, just for a bit. For some reason the colder weather...
Parental Alienation
Sorry for going off subject - I can't really claim that this has anything to do with the Alexander Technique... Except that this...
The main symptom of tinnitus is hearing a noise, such as ringing or buzzing, that is not caused by an outside source. It's not always...
Managing Pain
Recently I got rather carried away with my hiking. Enjoying the culture and countryside of Rhodes, I walked over 5 miles per day for 7...
Swimming with the Alexander technique is a wonderful thing! I'm thinking of font crawl in particular, as it lends itself so well to...
The first thing people notice about us is our posture and our body language. It's immediately clear whether a person is confident or not...
Do Animals Have Good Use?
'Good use', as defined by FM Alexander, refers to a neuromuscular state of efficiency. The muscles operate to support balance and...
Dowager's Hump Cure
Dowager's hump or hyperkyphosis is an excessive curvature of the spine. Usually, this occurs in the thoracic or chest curve of the spinal...